My Yoga Story
I first started practicing yoga in 2017 after an intense heartbreak.
Trying something new and out of your comfort zone is usually helpful when youāre not sure where to go next in life and want to move on from where ever you once were.
I was trying to find a means to sooth my aching heart, and I was willing to try anything at that time to help. Going to yoga helped me focus my mind on something other than my emotional pain. I was finally able to get out of my head and focus solely on something so simple but we often forget: breathing. Connecting movements to the breath gave my racing mind something to focus on and it became meditative. I felt present within myself and with the atmosphere around me. At that time, I felt very out of control with my thoughts and plead for them stop, but wasnāt sure how. I had difficulty not thinking about the past or replaying certain events or phrases. Being able to slow down my mind helped me feel in control of myself and my thoughts. That in turn helped me restore some confidence and trust within myself again.
The only thing we truly have control of in our life is ourselves, and yoga helped me understand that.
By practicing yoga, I started consistently showing up for myself. It helped me tune into my body and spend time building a relationship with myself. Yoga provided that space to discover what felt good for me in that moment, both in mind and body. I developed a healthy relationship with myself and started to create goals. Yoga helped me realize the importance of having personal goals. To be excited and motivated when I work towards them or accomplish what I desire. It helped me creatively think of different angles and approaches to reach my goals.
It was fun to challenge myself when a difficult pose arose in class. I saw it as a metaphor for life. When challenges arise, do you automatically know in your body you do not have the energy to try, are you afraid to try due to the fear of failing, or do you find excitement in trying something new? Like each posture, each challenge in life is different. Sometimes we automatically know in our gut, sometimes we get held back by fear, and other times itās really fun and exciting to push ourselves to grow. We all experience each of these feelings, itās all a part of the human experience.
Practicing yoga has changed my life in many ways.
Yoga was my gateway into redefining my life path and my worth. I became more aware of what I wanted to attract and where I wanted to go moving forward. I became more intentional of what I consumed such as tv, social media, books, food, people, material goods, etc. It helped me develop a deeper connection and understanding of myself. Itās helped me heal and focus on the bigger picture in life rather than getting wrapped up in the pain I was feeling in my heart and the thoughts that had plagued my mind. Yoga has been very healing throughout the challenging phases in life and my mind.
Yoga is a personal practice to help you connect deeper to yourself. The physical movements (asanas) are just the beginning. As with anything in life, it grows in time. If you enjoy it, and continue to practice, the seed you plant will be fruitful š
I don't believe yoga is the perfect match for everyone. There are so many wonderful modalities and tools in life that will benefit you and give you the results you desire. Yoga is a tool to tap more into your body and mind, and to build a beautiful, loving relationship within yourself. Just with any skill in life, the more you practice, the more fruitful the outcome will be. For me, yoga was and has been that thing for me. It is different for everyone because everyone is different! -`ā”Ā“-