I once met a boy

I once met a boy who would bring me down and complain of me being ‘too hippy’. I would suppress down my deep thoughts and questions of the universe to be ‘normal’ for him. I once met another boy who would love to listen to my ideas and aspirations, who’s eyes would light up once he saw mine do the same whenever I would talk about my passions and dreams. I would grow on my thoughts and expand my consciousness for me

When I lost myself, I would chase after the one who damaged me. Who minimized me and slowly drained me of my energy. I never consciously realized how bad he affected me until I found myself again. I wanted someone who didn’t love me at a time when I didn’t love myself. Once I felt whole within myself again, I’d reminisce on the one I genuinely connected with and smile at the time that I’ve connected and grown.

Love is less about the individual person you were with and more about how that person made you feel about yourself when you were together. It’s important to acknowledge the way someone makes you feel. Listen to your intuition or the way your body reacts around them, realize if it’s positively beneficial or negatively impacting you helps create an eye-opening difference.

It all comes down to you. At the end of the day all you have is yourself and your mind. Your perception of reality is everything. If you aren’t happy with yourself, you’ll never find happiness in anything or anyone else. Get to know and understand yourself first before getting to know others.

Connections are reflections. Don’t entangle yourself with someone you know you attracted when you weren’t happy with yourself. The most empowering and important message in my mind is: once you connect to yourself, then and only then may you to truly connect to everything else.༄

Image by Danielle Noel


Life Connection


Life is Extraordinary