Life is Extraordinary

It is a beautiful, spontaneous, enlightening adventure that shouldnā€™t be anything less than the best life you can live. Itā€™s too short to tolerate and stay anywhere near anything that makes you unhappy. Itā€™s too beautiful to stay in only one place and not explore other towns, people, and cultures. Itā€™s too wonderfully aligned to not go with the flow and see what amazing connections and encounters arise. Itā€™s too enlightening and full of knowledge to not learn something new each and every day. Life is too much to just take only a little of what it has to offer.

The world is a marvelous place. Itā€™s filled with so much good and love, if you choose to look at it that way. If you choose to surpass the negativity and focus on the positive, the whole world becomes endless and yours. Your mind is the most powerful thing in the universe. Once you become one within your mind, body, and spirit, everything falls into perfect alignment and absolutely nothing can stop you. I believe that with my whole heart.

Your whole perspective, your mind, is everything. We create our own reality, our own illusion of what we believe the meaning and purpose for being put on this planet is. We are placed here, but we are given everything we ever need to become the best versions of ourselves. We have all the tools and knowledge right in front of us. How we perceive it and how much we choose to take advantage of the amazing opportunities is what makes the difference.

Itā€™s beautiful how we can all look at the same thing and never see the same exact thing. We all come from different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, opinions, perspectives. We donā€™t see things as they are, we see things as we are. Your perception says more about you and who you are rather than the situation or person itself youā€™re analyzing. But at any point in time, at any given moment in this life, you have the power to change right then and there. That is a gift of life. You have the power to change your thoughts, which will change your life. Itā€™s all in the palm of your hands.

You have the power to change your mindset into something greater, something more freeing. You can train your mind to focus more on the positive, and over time youā€™ll notice the absence of negativity. The negative will disappear as if life was never that deep or complicated in the first place, it was all just in your mind.

Your life and how you choose to live it is ultimately up to you. You have the power, and the power only, to control your own life. If something or someone doesn't feel right, follow your instincts. Trust your body, listen to yourself for your own highest good. We have 50,000-70,000 thoughts a day. Acknowledge your thoughts and recognize if you want to remain the same or shift your thoughts into something more positive, to open your mind in new ways of thinking.

Test your limits mentally and youā€™ll grow as a person tremendously. You will become better therefore attracting even better than before. You have no idea how powerful you truly are until you learn how impactful your thoughts are. There's good and bad all around us and in everything, that's a part of life. But you have the power and potential to create a beautiful reality of this incredible world we are on.

Life is only as meaningful as we appear to make it seem, so make it yours. Do what makes you happy, listen to your soul, and follow your intuition to freedom.

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Image by Danielle Noel


I once met a boy


Baby Bird