Resisting the Flow, Refusing to Let Go

I used to think what am I going to do without him? What am I going to do when he actually leaves me? I need him.

After the constant dread of how I am potentially going to feel when the time comes, focusing my attention on future anxieties rather than enjoying the moment I was in, I decided to change my perspective.

To view us as individuals that help and benefit each other, not dependents on another. I realized that is your life and this is mine. No one is truly in anotherā€™s life forever. We only temporarily cross paths and either merely pass by or stay a while, leaving an imprint on anotherā€™s heart. Youā€™re going in one direction and Iā€™m going in another, which isnā€™t a bad thing. We are both on the right paths because they are our own paths.

Life naturally flows. Stop for a moment and realize that the seasons will continue to change and the planet will continue to rotate, regardless of the obstacles you are facing right now. Life continuously keeps moving on. So the more we hold on, the more we dread letting go, the harder itā€™ll become because we arenā€™t going with the natural flow of life and following the flow of our individual paths.

We can never truly depend upon anyone for our own happiness. At the end of each and every day, the only constant in life, is that you have yourself. The journey will make you lose yourself at times until you find yourself through the chaos. Breaking yourself down in order to grow yourself back up again even stronger than before. Youā€™ll learn even deeper about who you are. Itā€™s about growing and evolving, life is all about becoming you.

And even though I know deep down this is the natural flow of life and our paths are finally coming to a split, I couldnā€™t be more grateful you came into mine. Ɨ ą½¼

Image by Danielle Noel




Focus on Yourself